Influence adiposity at women on an outcome of pregnancy and sorts

Influence adiposity at women on an outcome of pregnancy and sorts

Nurmatov A.A.,   Nurmatova Z.I.,  Ibragimova N.I., Rakhimov of M. Н.

Thus, the adiposity, which frequency has an authentic tendency to increase, is a negative  background for development of pregnancy and a current of sorts. The complications specified in work authentically are is more often noted at a combination of adiposity to others others disease  by diseases. Hence, women with adiposity should be carried to group of risk of development of complications during pregnancy, in sorts and perinatal disease. Frequency of complications of pregnancy and perinatal outcomes are defined by presence and degree of expressiveness НЖО (infringement of a fatty exchange), increase proportionally to increase of degree of adiposity. The further researches will allow to win the answer contract the arisen questions and to optimize tactics of conducting pregnancy and sorts at women with adiposity. 


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